Kali Mata
  • Kali Mata
  • Kali Mata
  • Kali Mata
  • Kali Mata
  • Kali Mata
  • Kali Mata

Kali Mata

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also called lemon chilli (Nimbu Mirchi) with Maa Kali;

small: approx. 13x6 cm;

large: approx. 18x8 cm;

made of plastic; the Indian goddess Kali Mata (dark/black mother) stands for death and destruction but also for renewal; the motif of the tongue sticking out is copied from the Rolling Stones, among others. It is believed that lemons and chillies, when hung together, absorb negative energies and prevent them from entering the house.

Lemon is also offered in the rituals of Goddess Chandi or Maa Kali as it is believed that offering this fruit can help appease her fierce anger.

Hence the Kali Mata hangs in this form in every shop in India.