Huhn aus Plastiktüten, klein
  • Huhn aus Plastiktüten, klein
  • Huhn aus Plastiktüten, klein
  • Huhn aus Plastiktüten, klein
  • Huhn aus Plastiktüten, klein
  • Huhn aus Plastiktüten, klein

Huhn aus Plastiktüten, klein

You need to create a reseller account to see the prices.
South Africa

Height 18-20 cm;

Recycled handicrafts from the townships of Johannesburg; made from bags and production waste;

the feet can easily be bent to form a pecking chicken or similar; the second last picture shows the two sizes; available colours:

1st pic: pink and multicoloured;

2nd pic: (blue is sold out) red, orange, yellow, green and violet;

3rd pic: multicoloured.